‘When the Advocate comes … the Spirit of truth … he will be my witness. And you too will be my witnesses.’ John 15:26-27
During this time of pandemic we may have struggled to know how to be witnesses as we may have felt trapped in the upper room. The Spirit, however, finds the way to reach out and we only have to listen, be filled and act.
We became friends with the telephone so the elderly, sick and lonely in our area could chat and be listened to when they were staying safely indoors.
Never too old to learn we spent more time on line writing emails and even learning how to zoom so faces could be seen as well as voices heard. We were even able to use snail mail so that the ‘postie’ could deliver some cheer!
Zoom helped us reach out to the most vulnerable for whom life did not hold much hope, the depressed, the anxious, the bereaved to give them a life-line, to bring hope.
In collaboration with others we prayed together and introduced others to prayer and a deepening of their relationship with God.
We only have to listen to the Spirit, be open to the Spirit and he will show us how to use his gifts to reach out to our brothers and sisters.