Our Charism
Louis-Marie Baudouin was a man who let himself be guided by the Spirit.
‘Our spirit will be the Spirit of Jesus, the Incarnate Word.’
Today, we, the family of Louis-Marie Baudouin let ourselves be led by the Spirit of Jesus. Day by day we allow our hearts to be captivated by the presence of Jesus.
‘And the Word was made flesh, and lived among us ...’
These words never leave our heart. They show God’s love for humanity. Our God is a God of love, and here is the proof of this love for us:
‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son!’
Today, we are called to be dazzled by the mystery of the Incarnation – God becoming man. To contemplate, to adore and to look at our world with the eyes and the heart of Jesus, the Incarnate Word and to give our lives in the service of our brothers and sisters. These are the two inseparable and complementary faces of our unique vocation. The wonder of the Incarnation radiates through all our words, our ministries, our lives.
‘All our hope, all our joy lies in the mystery of the Incarnation and its divine consequences.’