
Who are we?

We are a branch of the Family of the Incarnation founded in 2006. We are lay people from different walks of life who are imbued with the spirit of Louis Marie Baudouin. We strive in our daily lives to see and welcome the person of Jesus in everyone we meet. Being a young branch we continue to grow stronger through coming together to pray, to listen and reflect on the life and teaching of Louis Marie.

At the present time we are four groups present in Dublin, Swansea, London and Edinburgh. 

Throughout the year we meet as family to pray and celebrate together. Our family feast is 25th March when we renew our commitment annually and the sisters renew their vows.

Contact us

Link Co-ordinator - Colette Dempsey:

You can also make contact locally: 

London - Pam Boodhna:
Swansea - Sandra Morgan:
Edinburgh - Adrian Konig:
Dublin - Sandrine Clerambourgh:

Or for more information fill in the following form: